I have 5 green chromis in my 33Gallon Aquarium.
I have had them for about 3 months now, and they are all fine. I put them in all at once though, that might of made a difference.
They occasionally school when my dwarf lion fish tries stalking them, but hes to small to eat them.
The chromis take turns chasing each other around though, but it dosnt strike me as agressive.
Before I had the chromis I have school of 5 glass cardinals and they got into mortal fish kombat untill one one was left, and then that one got eaten by my anemone.
33 gallon tank, 20gallon Sump, 5 gallon refugium
Flame Halk, Dwarf Lionfish, Ocellaris Clown, Black O. Clown, Purple Dottyback, Psychedelic Mandarinfish, Green Mandrinfish, Firefish, Cleaner Wrasse, Blue/Green Cromis.
Various Zoas & mushrooms, Frogspawn, devils hand, Xenia, Bubble Anemone, Feather duster.