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Old 01-20-2011, 01:20 PM
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Originally Posted by golf nut View Post
I am installing a swamp sump, hopefully soon.

When you mixed a saturated solution with excess salt always visible was the SG very constant? roughly what percentage of RO/DI did you add to get you to required levels?
If temperature remains the same then the saturation level remains constant meaning a constant SG as well, should be about 1.200 at room temp.

Saturated saltwater has a density of approximately 1.2g/ml at 21 degrees which is around 265ppt. Lets say you have 1L of saturated solution and your target is 35ppt. This means you'll need about 6.5L of fresh water to be added. So for every 1L of saturated salt, add 6.5L of fresh water.
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