Originally Posted by Aquattro
I've read a few threads where people reported good or great results with SPS tanks, but only for a limited time. I guess when some RC TOTM with neon colors gets posted, and a subsequent follow up 2 or 3 years later shows consistent results, I would consider it. Assuming I could do it cheaper than today, and/or someone was going to build it for me.
actualy I was reading a few threads last night after work on people pushing the 3 year mark with there DIY LED setups and from the pictures they are getting good results. one guy posted pictures every 2 or 3 months and you could see the improvment in each one over his MH lights.
granted most are just hitting the 1 year mark now but there are some hitting two and 3 years of sucess. and concidering how often you ripp your tank down and start over.....

seriously though
LEDs have been used sucessfully in growing plants for over 7 years now, so it is proven that they provide the nessasary requirments for photosynthis... it just took a few more years to develop the power needed to punch through water

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Some strive to be perfect.... I just strive.