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Old 01-20-2011, 04:44 AM
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Bravoman Bravoman is offline
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Default Looking for Red Sea Max 250 (NW Calgary)

Hi CanReef.

I'm looking for a used Red Sea Max 250 in good condition.

I have a truck and can pick it up. Live in Brentwood in NW Calgary, just a few blocks East of Red Coral. (Sucks they're moving!)

This will be my first saltwater tank but I've been lurking and dreaming and visiting all the salt water stores for the last 8 years. I've had a 46 gal freshwater planted bowfront running for the last 10 years, but the challenge is gone and the saltwater just seems to have so much more variety.

FINALLY with the home reno done the wife thinks it's time. Woo hoo!

If you've got a RSM 250 you are looking to unload, let me know.

Thank you.
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