Thread: Mat's RSM130
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Old 01-20-2011, 03:30 AM
wehtam wehtam is offline
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Default Mat's RSM130

Hey guys, new to SW so this is mainly just for me to keep track of my tanks progress.

So a couple weeks ago i picked up the RSM. Pretty much "upgraded" to the 130D.
-tunze 9002 doc protein skimmer
-intank media rack
-intank tunze skimmer cup
-one of the return pumps upgraded to a maxijet 1200

On sunday bought some rock from the LFS. Put it in and 3 days later ammonia and nitrites are at ZERO. Been zero since the first day I put the LR in.... Guess it was cycled at the store Anyway now just blowing off the detritus and waiting to put some sand in..

heres a FTS at the moment haha..

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