I think madreefer was talking about me...

all good. Here is how the conversation sparked. I have a 120g 4' x 2' x 2'. I have a ballast that is no good anymore. so I need a ballast.... I also need bulbs as I am due for new bulbs... I would need two... Most likely need a new pendant for my new ballast I have to replace... maybe... maybe not.
But lets pretend for argument I'm a newbie and I have to get new stuff to get my tank running.
$70 for a bulb
$130 for a pendant
$140 for a ballast
$340 for 250w setup on the cheaper end......
4' tank I should be running 2... so I'm $680 now.
Vertex is just releasing in Feburary a new LED setup that is $500 or $580ish can't remember right off the top of my head for the 4' bar. No controller to make a pretty lighting storm as I wouldn't care for that anyways. Also a MH can't do that unless were starting them up for the split second you might get one
I can also add more bars if need be.... 60,000hrs of life 2 year warranty.
I think the cost is coming inline as in start up costs.
Now let pretend cost isn't the concern right now... just the growth of a health aquarium we are all suppose to have

I don't like killing corals and it is also killing my pocket book
Who is seeing growth from the LED lights?? how long have you had them? can you show a photo? Just to help us on the fence people. I believe in MH but looking for a longer term light.