Originally Posted by kookie_guy
The only ways you are getting away with not paying brokerage and taxes are:
1) They indicate the value of parcel under $20 CAD
2) They indicate the value of parcel under $50 (or $60) and check off "gift"
3) Shipping air express (that's what I've herd)
If they are doing #1 or #2, they are technically breaking the law, but some vendors do it. I know I always ask for it when ordering stuff.
For big ticket items, I just have my stuff shipped to Niagara Falls, NY, and pick it all up myself. The additional cost of shipping to Canada always more than offsets the cost of gas. Then just go do some shopping while down there.
Now, you are correct with your information on duties but you've over looked one key factor. Cree LEDs are manufactured in the U.S.A. I believe most of the manufacturing is done in Durham North Carolina. Because of this the order from rapidled.com should qualify under the NAFTA. To qualify under the NAFTA, the following must apply:
1. The goods are for your personal use; and
2. they are marked as made in the United States or Canada or not marked or labeled to indicate they were made anywhere other than in the United States or Canada.
Therefore, you should not be paying any duties. I've ordered from them before with no duties charged.