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Old 01-19-2011, 08:47 AM
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VFX VFX is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Vancouver BC
Posts: 405
VFX is on a distinguished road

I had no real problems with my Tunze 9002 but the Euro Reef NS nano skimmer totally kicked it's butt & cost not a lot more (around $155 Tunze vs. $180 Euro Reef if I remember correctly).

The only issue I had was the impellor disintegrating after a while but the new ones are supposed to last much longer.

The Biocube version will require you to have an open back chamber to accommodate as it sticks up a good few inches.

Euro Reef are no longer around but the nano skimmers are made by Nano Reef Systems.

Here's a Link to their website.

I got mine from Ocean Aquatics.

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