Thread: Drews 400!
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Old 01-19-2011, 01:39 AM
DJ_drew DJ_drew is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 73
DJ_drew is on a distinguished road

ok so heres how things ended up after the weekend!
first things first i should tell you i have an insanely worrisome landlord!

so we started in the backyard!

Bruce was out to help us!

this is where the tank had to go!
so we ended up taking out the railing to make life easier
this is the space in front of the front door!

and unfortunately thats as far as we got!
the tank is 1mm to big to fit through the door! i %&$# you not! 1mm!
so we talked about taking the inner frame of the door off which has the weather stripping on it, not the outside frame and the landlord was having non of it!!
so the next step is either leave the tank there until i move which would be easiest or get one of the bottom panes of glass off the tank, get the tank in the house, and then redo the bottom of the tank!

now either way i have to get the eurobracing fixed so i might get the manufacturer to do all of the above!

heres the state of the euro-bracing now

any thoughts on the euro-bracing?
ive been told by jason that the mfctr of the tank has said regardless of euro-bracing the strength of the tank is uncompromised

so ya thoughts would be appreciated!

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