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Old 01-17-2011, 05:16 PM
golf nut golf nut is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: just north of Toronto
Posts: 454
golf nut is on a distinguished road

Different manufactures have different method of producing salt, some will give you a pail of 200 white ping pong balls with 2 red ones 4 blue ones and 3 green ones, when all mixed you will have the correct proportions, but mixing in small batches could become problematic. I believe Tropic Marin has a method to give a perfect mix no mater how small a scoop you chose to mix.
I think Farley proved that doing daily changes was just as effective as mass changes, too much math involved for me to want to figure that one out.

Now all we have to figure out is the cheapest method of removing and exchanging a known quantity and put it on a timer to get the correct daily amount no matter what size tank you have.
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