Originally Posted by ILIKECOUGARS
May I ask were are you getting those prices from. I'll been looking at the BM180CS but there close to $500 plus shipping
conceptaquariums is his name here. Im getting a tank built from him so he said he can hook me up on a deal for the skimmer too. definitely pm him he's a great to deal with and really helpful and can get you what you need.
I did purchase a RC gift cert. but now I dont know what to get with it since im getting a sick deal from conceptaquarium. maybe some powerheads or order in a nice new fish for the tank.
Thanks Skimmer King. I think I am gonna go with the bubble magus. I may go with the 180Cone because I'm a uni student and income isnt a daily thing lol. I'll ask how much I can get the 220 for. But much appreciated for the information!