Well I guess that I will chime in on this one. What you need to look at is the Type of pump that is going to run the skimmer. The main reason is something that isn't going to wear out and not basically blow impeller's
Since my self hence the name Skimmer KING is here Im going to tell you what one to buy from my Own experience and any one who chimes in here to back me up...
Bubble magus for the following reasons.
-Eheim Pump
-Cone method for the more less turbulence of bubbles going to the top. Basically you want a smooth flow for the bubble to go up.
-Easy dialing in with the Ehiem. more of a powerful pump to run.
-Bigger Air lines for more Air being Draw.
-Super Quiet
-Running the Skimmer in 8" of water
-Eheims don't heat your water up like Sedra's do.
-the BM has a super small foot print which I love about in-sump Skimmer's
When I buy a skimmer I go for 2-3 X the gallons of water. SO with your tank I would personnely go with the Cs 220 is you can However if you can't then I would go with the 180 I also look at the bio-load you can always over skimmer and tune it down, the bigger the skimmer on a system depending on the size s better. What I'm taking about is If you need a skimmer to take something out of the water the skimmer can do it. However if you skimp on the skimmer and just get a one that is barely making due then its going to be harder to clean out the tank.
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
You don't know as much as you think.
Last edited by Aquattro; 01-15-2011 at 02:32 AM.