I have to apologize to everyone that responded to this add and for the people I have not replied back. Since posting this I have had a multitude of things that have come up that completely steered my attention in other directions, this is the fist time I have logged in for weeks....
My wife and I are moving to a different house soon and need to get everything gone to help stage our present place.
I have contacted the people that wanted the most fish or corals at once as I just do not have time to have person after person coming over for single pieces.
I do need someone to take the live rock I have and it is some extremely premium stuff with no algae. I likely have about 100lbs of it and I will let is all go for $250.00. I also will need to get rid of all my inverts... Various odds and ends of livestock will be offered if they cannot find a home..
I will be listing the tank and everything else I have as far as hardware goes in the hardware section..