I just read of a study on cyanide effect on fish and it destroy their internal intestinal flora and dammage the liver, so even if the fish eat it does not gain weight as it cannot absorb the food.
If your fish was gaining weight ain't that a sign it was not poisoned by cyanide? I wish I could find more on this, but basicaly that's what I read for the symptoms of cyanide related deadth.
I am guessing that a lot of copperband death are blamed on cyanide, wether it is cyanide or not, hard to tell without a proper test. I have also read that a fish dead from cyanide poison has very pale gills but that's probably when they die right after cyanide exposure, not 4 months later.
Originally Posted by fishoholic
The 3rd one I got I can only assume was cyanide caught. At the store I got it from he was eating mysis readily and continued to eat really well and get fat and seemed very healthy in my tank. I had him for just shy of four months, he had always ate well and he showed no signs of losing weight, or looking sick, then suddenly one morning I went to check on the tank and there he was dead  Still looked fine (no odd body discoloration or damage) just was dead. No idea what else it could of been other then cyanide, he was a small CBB so I am pretty sure it wasn't old age or anything like that.
I'm glad yours is doing well eating worms and I hope he lives a long time for you, but from my experience it's really rare and unfortunately perfectly healthy ones sometimes just die for no obvious reason (guessing cyanide caught) and show no sign of anything being wrong before hand either.