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Old 01-10-2011, 09:14 PM
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The fish has been at the importer for 3 weeks, and I have it for 10 days so that's a good month, but I know it could have been cought with cyanide and if so it could die any time even if it is eating very well and if it is fat. The fact that it regained weight so fast is a good sign against cyanide don't you think? I have read that fish poisoned with cyanide will lose weight even if they eat a lot?

I surely hope so because that little guy is really sweet.

Originally Posted by plutoniumJoe View Post
Congratulations! I have been only 1/3 with copperbands. I understand that you might not be out of the water (pardon the pun) until 5-6months though.

Good luck.


Last edited by daniella3d; 01-10-2011 at 09:18 PM.
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