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Old 01-10-2011, 09:02 PM
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Default My fat copperband butterfly

I got this copperband butterfly 10 days ago and he was skinny with no fat on the top of the head and top of the body, as well as sunken stomach. He was eating about 3 PE mysis per day and that was it, he would not eat any more.

When I got it I gave it the usual mysis in the morning, which the fish ate but with not much gusto. All I could get it to eat was about 3. I started to feed white worms and bingo. He loves those so much. I did the usual mysis in the morning and then fed live white worms enriched with selcon 7 to 10 times per day, as much as the fish wanted to eat. That's about the size of a bing cherry per day.

here is what the fish looked 10 days ago, as the reseller sent me a link to a video done the day before I got it. You can see that there is no fat on the body top part and it's all pinched, as well as sunken stomach area:

And here are the photos as of today, I am going to slack a bit on the white worms feeding as he's getting fat! lol All the fat pad at the top is back and fully fleshed. The stomack area is all full and plump:

For those who are struggling to keep a copperband alive that does not want to eat, try to get some white worms culture and give it a try! It might save your fish. It's easy to culture, can be enriched and well...the photos are worth a thousand worms...I mean words

Hard to tell it's the same fish.

Last edited by daniella3d; 01-10-2011 at 09:16 PM.
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