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Old 01-09-2011, 06:51 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 6,186
reefwars will become famous soon enough

well its a love and hate relationship with the ol zoa tank i started running gfo and carbon through reactor and im sooo surprised on how effective it is, phosphates were becoming a problem so the gfo is now taking hold and all my algae is clearing up im picking out what i can and for the first time in 3 yrs i can see through the back panel of glass.

the hate side of it is some of my zoas are dying and not new ones, ones ive had for quite some time i have a real nice green zoa colony that is melting away for no reason and same with some others im not sure if its my filefish (who im watching like a hawk) or a result from the carbon/gfo

my filefish is known to eat zoas but he usually does it pretty clean like a head here and a head there not about 10heads in one day, and im curious if it could be a result of the newly added gfo as ive always ran it possible the ones ive had for a long time are just used to the phosphates and no feel " weird" in the cleaner water???....well cant wait to get the new tank up and running im also considering donating a pile of zoa frags to someone for a back up in case this gets worse anytime soon so i dont lose any more im at around 65 kinds and i dont want to go down in numbers so i think a back uplan is in order anyone feel like brighting up their tank with some zoa frags??

another plus side my water parameters have never been better nitrates and phosphates are nil and mag,cal,alk are steady, no more temp swings,no more liquid foods minus some zooplankton and im seeing bright oranges, greens,purples and reds coming out into my liverock now that aiptasia and hair algae are gone.cyano is no more

anywho lol heres afts taken tonight



and i like this one i got some light blueish palys off of bluetang<3 a while back and i broke it up and gave a few to friends and kept a few well some have drifted off and they seem to anchor in the sand and like it.but one in particular has popped up right in between my nuclear grens and my purple deaths and i think he was trying to blend in and be cool like the rest of the bunch....silly silly silly hes dead in the center of the two colonys lol

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