Originally Posted by mike31154
Automation can be a good thing, but for mixing your salt water? Come on, such a simple task and we try to complicate it by coming up with some ingenious, but quite technical and work intensive/costly ideas. How long does it take to measure some salt, toss it into your mixing container and give it a stir or start up a powerhead? Augers, valves, proportionizers..... egad. The maintenance of all the extra gear sounds like more work to me than just doing it manually. Apologies if I sound a little negative here, not really my intent, just trying to present the simpler point of view.
Takes even less effort to top off your tank with fresh water compared to changing actual saltwater but most would agree a standard ATO is a must have these days. Not only to make your life easier but to promote stability. AWC is a very simple concept with a programmable controller with salinity measurement and employing a such a system is just another way to promote stability and free your time for more important things like actually enjoying your tank. If you enjoy manually mixing and changing water that's cool but most would agree it can sometimes be a hassle and often gets neglected.