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Old 01-08-2011, 09:54 PM
Melonbob Melonbob is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Yellowknife, NT
Posts: 40
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Default LF - Red sea max-Yellowknife

Hello all! After a long layoff and a move from Onterrible to Yellowknife, I'm looking to jump back into a tank. I sold off everything I had and am starting from scratch. Because it is a pain to get anything shipped up here, I'd like to get a Red Sea Max and minimize the hassle. I'd prefer a 250 mainly because I like the idea of straight t5 lighting as opposed to the CF the 130d has. If anyone knows of someone heading here, or vendors who would ship a unit, let me know! Thanks.

Also open to deals on standard tanks as well, but I would have to get it shipped either way!
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