Originally Posted by gobytron
No tank you can build will ever come close to replicating a fishes natural habitat or range...lol
You have your own soapbox and it seems to be of the hypocritical kind...lol
If you take a fish out of the ocean and put it into your tank, you are NO better than someone who throws a yellow tang in a 50 gallon...
If I kidnapyou and take you away from your home, family and habitat, do you care if I stick you in an apartment or house?
This hobby just seems to attract those with an odd sense of being righteous...maybe to deal with the guilt of raping the oceans...the rape in which we ALL (unless your tank is exclusively captive raised and eco live rock)...
MAke yourself feel better about things if you must, just dont expect those of us whove cashed in our reality cheques to care.
It's like you took the words right out of my mouth!