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Old 01-07-2011, 06:19 PM
JonT JonT is offline
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Toronto
Posts: 74
JonT is on a distinguished road

Part of our jobs as the owner of these small eco systems is to best replicate the inhabitants natural environment. Isn't it?

Do you buy a German sheppard and stuff it into a small crate? I mean, it can turn around in there. There is room for it to eat and such. So, that is okay then right? Dog seems happy when I stick my fingers in the front grate...... This will get me in jail if I put a picture of it on a dog forum, and talk about it. All the while ignoring all advice being given to me by the members of that community.

Can you keep a tang in a 90.. Sure. Can someone new to the hobby do the same.. Maybe. The person that has more experience with water chemistry will likely have a healthier tang in a year.

Can you put a 5" yellow tang in a biocube? Sure you can. You can even go on the forums, and tell everyone that no matter how many reasons they provide you with, your not going to do anything differently. And your not going to have to worry about police... cause well, its a fish... No fur...

I have yet to read that article. But even without doing so, can still comment on my opinions (and yes, there are times when I dust off the tang police badge) Fish need an appropriate amount of room. Tangs do not stay in one area in the wild. (there was a video posted here the other day with Atlantic blue's they came, and left) We keep them in a glass box. The least we can do is give them the room they need to reach speeds capable of splashing the water out of the tank.

Can you keep a tang in a 90.. Sure. Can someone new to the hobby do the same.. Maybe. The person that has more experience with water chemistry will likely have a healthier tang in a year.

As with all opinions in this hobby (wanna talk DSB's?) They come backed with personal experience.

Gets off the soap box, and puts the badge back into the jacket pocket.
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