Thread: Nightmare Paly
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Old 01-06-2011, 08:35 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Vancouver
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Check out some of the smaller US vendors, they'l ship to you. I've been able to track down some pretty snazzy ones for pretty cheap at a few places. My favourite guy to use is Neptune's Cove. Email him (Bill if I recall correctly) and ask him for the stock/pricelist. You can find pics of most things on his website but the site is weird... you have to right click on the image and go "view image" to see the full size version. Apparently he's an aqaurium guy, not a web designer.

I've used 5 different guys in the US multiple times and have only ever had one experience with a F*** up due to UPS being retarded. Bill at Neptune's replaced the entire order at no cost and even threw in some extras for the inconvenience.
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