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Old 01-06-2011, 05:57 PM
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Originally Posted by paddyob View Post
I would worry about it. If all his fish died in a week... what was the cause? You could potentially bring a disease or parasite into your tank.

I would say if his tank is empty.... might be better to leave it in that tank until you know what the cause was.

Picture of the fish possible? Seeing the "white spots" would make things easier for those with knowledge of illnesses.
i've done some reading in the last little bit. its not white spots like ich.

apparently when the fish is stressed it loses its color and becomes blotchy.

i just called him and he said his nitrates were off the scale of his test kit..... over 100ppm

i cant really get a picture, he's in a plastic container

i think im gonna try and acclimate him to my water and see if anything changes before putting him in
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