Originally Posted by Bloodasp
Problem with supersaturated solution idea is the amount of maintenance you have to do to the ATO pump. As It doesn't run continously so if the water evaporates your ATO will eventually clog with salt pretty fast since it is supersaturated.
I'd go with the auger idea, just what type of material it should be made of would be the issue, plastic wouldn't work as the salt would act like a sandpaper and would wear the auger out in no time.
Actually the way I described it this could not happen. The salt water top off pump will only pump fresh water into a tank and then the saturated salt water overflows into a drain that goes to the sump. If you made the drain at least 1/2" there's no way it would clog, plus it's a drain and will be empty unless the top off is running.
Like I said this system was used on a reef tank for about a year before the entire system was sold off. No problems occurred during this time. A hopper system isn't really going to work as well as one might hope, it will cost more and can clog up if the salt is exposed to air. Ever left your salt bucket lid off before and ended up with salt bricks? Same deal. Even straight out of the box or bucket salt is often clumpy.