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Old 01-06-2011, 04:55 AM
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The Grizz The Grizz is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: 15 min NE of Red Deer
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The Grizz will become famous soon enough

Originally Posted by bean View Post
i need those blue zoos...
And which ones would that be the really light blue ones that are all fuzzy in the pic.

Originally Posted by kien View Post
Nice zoos and PBT there Greg! Make sure you stuff the bajesus out of your pBT with whatever it is he's eating now. I find that you can increase your success rate with them if you feed them heavily at the get go. They are extremely fickle fish and can go on hunger strikes for no apparent reason. If they haven't stored enough calories they can waste away quick. Then they get sick and continue to lose appetite and then all down hill from there sadly. Anyway, not meaning to scare you or anything. I know you said he is eating well so just take advantage of that and try to fatten him up.
He is a little piggy when it come to feeding times, I now feed 4 times a day and mostly on his side of the tank.
Feed the bear goodies, make a new friend, don't feed the bear...............

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