Super saturation is your answer. Setup another water top off using something like a 29 gallon aquarium. Drill and install an overflow in the aquarium and mount the aquarium above sump level. From your fresh water top off use another pump or solenoid depending how it is setup. Send one fresh water line directly to the sump (Fresh top off). Send the other fresh water line to the 29 gallon aquarium (salt water top off). Plumb the overflow into the sump so when fresh water is added to the 29 gallon it overflows and drains into the sump. Next fill the 29 gallon with water and add a full bucket of salt, use a small powerhead to keep the water circulating and even a heater if you wish. Now setup your controller to either activate the fresh water or saltwater top off based on the salinity measurement in the sump. The salt water added will be supersaturated but it won’t matter as the controller will simply cut it off once salinity is restored in the sump. This will maintain salinity so to auto change water simply hock up a pump and timer in your sump to pump water to a drain. Depending on the controller you can even set an alarm for low salinity which will prevent the pump from removing water so it won’t change water if salt is needed. And when salt is needed simply add another bucket to the tank, doesn’t get any easier. Done this exact system with a profilux before, it was dope!