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Old 01-05-2011, 06:31 PM
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Lampshade Lampshade is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Abbotsford
Posts: 629
Lampshade is on a distinguished road

I was using a MJ1200, was working great, but wanted to cut down the number of pumps i had in the system, so I Tee'd off my return pump. My return is a dart gold, but i have low pressure since i'm dumping back to my sump for flow control. I had WAY more flow comming from my MJ1200. I don't think it's too little now, but more would be better, might go back.

As for people with issues of the tumbleing, make sure you get a mesh mod or sometihng for the reactor. the filter stuff that comes in there doesn't allow enough flow. With my MJ1200 i had too much flow and had to reduce it so the pellets would stop getting stuck in the top. You also need to clear out the stuck pellets every once in awhile, you should be getting LOTS of flow then.
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