Here is my sorry attempt at getting pictures of his lips. We don't call him Zoom Zoom for nothing! He never stops moving (unlike my lionfish, who kept deliberately striking a pose right in front of me), and then my camera seems to turn pink areas to white anyway. I've also included the only infocus picture I managed to get, so you could see how pretty he is.
I am happy to report that he does seem to be feeling better. He's almost wiped the aptisia out of my tank, and I must have had forty pounds of it!

He does pick up the food that I give sometimes, gives it a shake then spits it out. Hopefully that means he's getting some of it. But he must be feeling better because his appetite has returned.
What I read was that if they hurt their mouth in transport they would not recover, so hopefully that is not the case here.
BTW, any scratches you see on the pictures are, sadly, my glass and not the fish. I will never use one of those magnetic cleaners again! I had no idea it was scratchign the glass and now it is impossible to get the scratches clean. Momma needs a new tank.