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Old 01-04-2011, 08:11 PM
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shrimpchips shrimpchips is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Ontario
Posts: 440
shrimpchips is on a distinguished road

Aaaaaaaand what everyone's been waiting for....crappy pics!

Here's the awesome ricordea colony I picked up at BA last week - there's three distinct morphs on it:

Frags and colonies that made the transfer are looking well.
Duncan coral:

Montipora undata:

Montipora setosa:

The first pic is my ORA Red Planet frag under 2x24w T5HO:

Here's another in the tank (on the sandbed):

It's actually much more intense, but I'm having a hard time with the white balance on it.

I picked up two colonies at NAFB, this is one of them:

The other is an aqua/blue thich staghorn acro. Hopefully it grows as thick as the original branches it's growing out from.

Also, in QT right now I have three fish from Menagerie - a small sixline wrasse that I'll attempt to pair with my established sixline, a twinspot hogfish, and a beautiful purple tang.

Twinspot hogfish:

The purple tang came with some damage to a first spine, and a cause of HLLE starting up, but after a week it cleared up completely!

Sorry for the dark fish pics - I didn't change the WB.

No FTS yet - nothing's been arranged yet, so no FTS
Spontaneously Purchased Scleractinian anonymous

Last edited by shrimpchips; 01-04-2011 at 08:16 PM.
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