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Old 01-02-2011, 05:07 PM
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Aquattro Aquattro is offline
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Aquattro is a jewel in the roughAquattro is a jewel in the roughAquattro is a jewel in the roughAquattro is a jewel in the rough

Originally Posted by Jason McK View Post
I just meant not a lot of the supports had posted in this thread. Then I noticed Tom and rjengen posts
Oh, ya. I guess it's a money thing. I have never heard a bad comment about Profilux, other than most of us can't afford one

and within the realm of what most people need, there are comparable units at a lot less money. For my needs, I would need to buy the beginner III pack and a second powerbar, which putsit out of my price range. The Apex, with identical features is $691 cheaper. That's a lot of other stuff I can buy.
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