A few new additions to the reef in the last week or so.
Added a Powder Blue Tang, could not help myself when I went in to Blue World and seen them. So nice and heathly and eating well. He is a little stressed out for the move but is doing great eating good and out in the open. Picked up another Bangii Card as well, here's hoping I get a mated pair as so as they find out each other is in the same tank

Added a McCorsker's Flasher Wrasse from Red Coral Edmonton as well as a nice blue Crocea clam, thanks Steve. Was a little worried about the Flashers Wrasse yesterday when he was just hovering kind of stuck to the overflow. But today when I fed the tank there he was happy and eating great.
Stopped at Aqua Marine ran into Doug and Laurie (what a cute couple those two are) and wouldn't you know it but a little green brain followed me home.
Still have to put the MR1 and the Reeflo Snapper into service and pick-up my GHL Proflux 2ex controller yet plus order my new light's but it is all coming together once again.
Pictures will be coming soon as I get a new waterproof camera.