Newbie advise needed... Diary of a new tank junkie
Warning! Long winded newbie post!!
Just over a year of Saltwater experience. First time posting here.
I acquired an 80 gallon Bow front tank. The owner had hired a local guy to maintain it and had done so for a while but then just stopped showing up.
Buddy asked me to have a look at it and it was in rough shape. Tank had 7 fish, no sand, 50 - 60 lbs mostly dead rock, algae running wild, and 2 to 3 inches of fish sludge on the bottom. Sump skimmer was running wide open spraying water through the lid , so worst salt creep ever. Really bad shape, but such a nice tank.
Original intent was to break it down, clean everything and set it back up in my office, so I saved a lot of the water, stored rock in buckets with water and moved fish to home tank. Had to take tank to the car wash to clean it.Of course, during the move, we snapped off one of the plumbing fixture elbows. Upon inspection I realized that the plumbing was totally inadequate and needed to be replaced. Now I live in Yellowknife, NT so this is not a matter of going to the LFS and picking up parts, NO. Hello J&L, week to get bulkheads. No problem, give me time to get other fittings etc. NOPE, needed new fittings to make up rest of plumbing runs. Also had to build new stand because salt creep had destroyed particle board stand. (Why do manufactures use this ???) Cleaned up all equipment, ordered new bulbs for fixtures etc.
Bulkheads arrive, multiple trips to every building supply and plumbing shop, plumbing is finished. Fill up box that plumbing lines run through to check for leaks, checked out, so started to fill tank with stored original water, topped off with new water approx 50/50 old/new saltwater. Turned on system to circulate and heat water. Added 80lbs Live sand and let it settle for a day or 2. Tank is starting to look good but find that Coralife Super Skimmer is missing its O-ring and, just by chance, the Coralife at home has snapped off at the drain hole. Guess what. can't order replacement at any of my normal suppliers. More on this later. Anyway, I find one that is close and does the job for now.
Add Live (dead) rock to tank and sump and I like the look of the tank even more. The tank now consists of:
80 gallon Bow Front tank
30 gallon sump 3 chamber
single drain and return plumbed through corner box ( Danger here I Think)
Coralife 125 Super Skimmer
Return pump (looking for advise on needed flow rate, best quietest, etc.)
2 Hydor Koralia 600 GPH power heads
2 heaters (1 in tank, 1 in Sump)
2 Coralife 130w PC fixture with 2 50/50 bulbs per
80 lbs live sand
60 lbs rock, mostly dead and will be used as base.
Tank has been running now for 3 weeks and is crystal clear,
need to do a bit of finish work on base but is functional as is.
But I am thinking that this would look good in my living room and I don't have room for 2 tanks at home. Home tank is:
36 gallon All Glass Bow front tank
Coralife 65 Super Skimmer
2 Hydor Koralia 600 GPH Power heads
Fluval 304 Canister Filter
Fluval E series 100 Heater
Hagen T5 Glo Double Fixture
LED moonlight string
3 Ocellaris Clowns (Half Stripe, Arrow, and of course Nemo.)
2 Pink Skunk Clowns (Peach and Pug)
Tomato Clown (Beefsteak)
Yellow tail Damsel
Domino Damsel
3 Stripe Damsel
Fire Angel (Redbull)
Orange Watchman Goby (Scoop)
Bi color Blenny (Pugly)
2 cleaner Shrimp
Banded Shrimp
Sally Lightfoot Crab
Porcelain Crab
Numerous Hermits and snails
2 condi anemones
one other anemone
Flame Scallop
Red Mushroom
blue Mushroom
spotted mushroom
Here are the questions.
1) Would it be possible to drain 80 gallon, save water, move home, transfer water, rock and fish from home tank and not have to let it cycle?
2) What would be ideal media for second chamber in Sump? I have skimmer in first, rock in second and pump/heater in third, but the rock is dead as far as I can tell and I need to replace it.
If you have made it this far, Thanks for your patience.
All advise welcome and appreciatted
Any obvious holes in system should be pointed out.
Pictures to follow.