ok so i bought a 55 gallon saltwater tank off someone on kijiji (like craigslist)
went to his house, it was set up and him and i took apart the liverock, put it in buckets and rubbermaid containers. had them fully submerged in tank water.
left a little bit of water at the bottom to cover the sand.
brought it home, set it up. put the liverock in and filled it half with the old tank water and half with new water.
salinity balanced out at about 1.025
came with an emperor 400 and a powerhead that i have running in there right now...
..... a little cloudy but seems to be settling down.
there seems to be a lot of hair algae on the sand and on the liverock, have already been told that a lawnmower blenny will help.
i am also looking for some Chaetomorpha if anyone has any to sell me locally