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Old 12-30-2010, 12:50 AM
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freezetyle freezetyle is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Victoria
Posts: 802
freezetyle is on a distinguished road

Been a long time since i have updated. Usual story went home to calgary for a week over christmas and left the tank in the hands of the girlfriend. I made sure that all she had to do was to fill up the water reservoir with water and feed the fish in the morning. i even put the buckets right beside the tank with a small hose and powerhead so she wouldn't have to lift them. well she dropped the hose into the tank water and through evaporation it started a siphon. throwing the SG out of whack. so i came home to two dead birdsnest colonies and a stn'ing monti and stn'ing frags. i also lost the chalk bass yesterday which was kind of salt in the wound. he was big annd i think from what the previous owner of the tank said he was his second fish, either way not fun...

added a few new thing such as this superman rhodactis

supposed to be a garf bonsai

slowly stn(look at the base)

growing good

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