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Old 12-29-2010, 07:31 PM
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Originally Posted by golf nut View Post
It appears you have a very short memory, on at least 5 occasions you said it wouldn't work, and if it did it would be way more than $500, I told you how it could be done and again you disagreed, as you do on many occasions when we have been in a similar discussion, I showed you the video which proves my initial statement.

When I need a load sensor or advice on load sensors I will call you , when you need advice or info on OM you call me, just because you cannot figure out how to make it work for $39 doesn't make it impossible.
Actually it wasn't until post 55 that you finally managed to confirm the timer waits for a decay in the signal. Every other time you simply stated it works without explanation which is why I had to repeat my questions and concerns so much. I also always said it may not work if... and had to fill in the blanks based on the best assumptions I could make with the limited information provided, never did I flat out say it wouldn't work. My intent was to help you make a reliable system by asking a few simple questions and making some simple suggestions not to prove you wrong. My memory is fine but your reading skills and attitude could use some work.

It also still makes little sense to invest in an OM for this flow setup, a second pump will cost the same and produce better results.

Last edited by sphelps; 12-29-2010 at 07:34 PM.