Thread: BTA Split!
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Old 12-29-2010, 04:30 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by Magma View Post
So our BTA moved today for the first time like 3 months and he went into a corner, became nice and small and we left to do some shopping etc. come home and now i can see 2 feet and looks like hes tearing himself apart in the middle.

should i be giving it any special care now? I did a PWC this morning before I noticed him moving today and all my levels seem great.

I notice one half looks really stringy and ugly

they tend to split during water changes and difference in temperature and being overfed in your case id say the waterchange triggered it, the little bta i have split the first night in my tank lol just leave it be theres not a whole lot you can do for it ,after a split though they tend to walk around to find a spot to settle so watch your powerheads or filters/overflow
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