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New Urchin - Pokie

Lawnmower Blenny - Cashews

3 lbs of rubble for my refugium

I took my lights off the top of the tank and hung them from the ceiling.

Cashews out of the bag

Pokie enjoying his new home

Cashews like to have his picture taken. Popped his head out for this one.

My Sump/Refugium

3 more Astraea Snails

5 Nassarius Snails

$5 frag of some kind. Just wanted one so I bought it

Frag open

Blue Tang my wife bought named Ariel

Ariel and Prince Edward are best of friends

Snicklefritz, my pink urchin, kept moving my frag so I wedged it inbetween 2 rocks until I can get it glued down.