Picked up some cleaner shrimp & clowns (JL) for my friends whom I set up a RSM 250 a couple of months ago, as well as a Refractometer (IPU). Now their tank is pretty well finished and nicely stocked
For myself, got a beautiful Bariene tang (Oceanic), some dither fish (yellowtail damsels/green chromis) and salt (King Eds), coral, Hikari mysis & a porcupine puffer for Felicia (JL) and a Phoenix 250w bulb (OA).
Felicia's really happy with the new puffer, although we still have to train it to eat properly. At JL, it was hiding all the time. Seems more personable and willing to swim around in our tank though, so that's a positive development.
For another fish friend, helped her buy a Red Sea Max 250 all-in-one (King Eds). Probably will end up helping to set up this tank later this week