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Old 12-28-2010, 02:02 AM
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Default Assorted HW for sale

I'll start a list of some of the items I have from my recent upgrade project. I'll entertain any reasonable offer, some of this stuff I'm just guessing at price.

PM bullet 2 skimmer w/gate valve & waste collector - 175

OA kalk reactor w/~20 pounds CaOH - 150 - SOLD

Ocean Motions super squirt (model #2) - 180

2 Tunze 6060 Streams - 75ea/140pair

dual 250w PFO(not HQI) ballast with cords - 150

CPR C-Siphon Aquarium Overflow - CS150 Deluxe - 100 - SOLD

Seaswirl 1" - 150

2 Tunze 7091 controllers 20ea 1 SOLD, 1 left

DIY Ca reactor w/dual gauge reg and solenoid - 150 - SOLD

AquaZone Plus 200 Ozone kit(w/air dryer) - 200

A box of X10 modules, not sure what they're good for, but if anyone is interested, PM me on these to work something out.

Blueline Solar 1000 LW lighting dimmer/controller - 250
See the link for details,
I think this works with the X10 modules above (would include with unit)

Last edited by Aquattro; 01-27-2011 at 03:45 AM.
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