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Old 12-25-2010, 11:17 PM
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Originally Posted by doobiej View Post
i realize it will take more water and salt to do it this way but my thinking is that water changes will help keep my levels in check during this process?

you think I would be safe doing a 30 gallon change each day until I get back to normal? figure it will take 4 more changes. or will a 30 gallon change at 1.04 not raise it .002 as the salinity increases?

is targetting .005 per day too much? im scared that if I leave it to long im gonna lose all my corals
There is no need to do the changes. Which parameters are you concerned about? Adding more salt will keep "the big three" in check. Ammonia should be your biggest concern, and doing 5 gallon water changes on a 220 gallon tank will do nothing to fix that problem should it arise.

I don't think you will get as much of an increase as you're expecting doing it the way you are.

You might have to decide which is more and inverts or corals? Raising the salinity as fast as you plan will probably lead to the demise of most if not all of your fish and inverts. Any friends that could babysit your fish and inverts?
~ Mindy

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