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Old 12-24-2010, 03:04 PM
SmallFry SmallFry is offline
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Originally Posted by Skimmer King View Post
Well an update of the stand went to home depot to get a price on the cabinets and OMFG. $7600 for the cabinets around the tank. looks like that i'm going another route for the cabinets tank on hold til i can figure this one out . sorry folks. I have them looking for a less price in the 15-2000 range..
That is insane - was that for just the doors or cabinets too? Have you tried some of other builders merchants in town? Most of them do kitchen stuff too, and I've never seen a house we built get a kitchen, or pretty much anything else for that matter, from home depot. Maybe their consumer friendliness comes at a price?

There has to be a way of doing it cheaper if that fails. You/we could make doors cheaper if we went for something like a plywood door with a wood trim around the edge (and you could have your custom sizes that way too).. Would be more of the Ikea type look, but you could make it 'pop' a bit with a different colour of wood for the trim; something like that computer table I have if you remember it. Bubinga (expensive) or Mahogany (less so) would stand out nicely if you're going for a light wood for the main part - and you can stand the pink dust when you sand it...

A suggested already, Ikea itself may also be a viable option even if you have to go and get it - I don't remember their stuff being that expensive and I have a soft spot for Ikea. Would be well worth a look at their website. It's also worth noting that the American Ikea seems from the websites to have a better range of stuff than the Canadian one. Don't know where the nearest American store is though. I think the nearest Canadian one is Calgary until they build that one in Winnipeg...

Finally, there's a Hutterite colony somewhere that does kitchen cabinets, I'll see if I can do some finding out...


Last edited by SmallFry; 12-24-2010 at 03:05 PM. Reason: Corrections..
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