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Old 12-23-2010, 11:19 AM
mark0933 mark0933 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Ontario
Posts: 22
mark0933 is on a distinguished road

If you have a small tank (ideally hooked up to the main tank for water quality) then put him in there, otherwise I'd recommend getting one of those small guppy breeder nets (the nylon stocking type) and put him in there in your sump - feed him baby brine, then in a few weeks try cyclopeeze then move on to mashed up hikari mysis...

Plenty of work for just one, but they are so cute it is rewarding when they grow up (I have raised 60 or so, and the nylon nets work fine, and the mesh is small so it keeps the bbs in with him a little longer.

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