Things that are running through my brain ATM............................
Damn it I am dead tired and cant sleep, lights are off on the tank so I cant see much.
Want a controller but cant decide which one, want better lights but not sure what type / brand, would like to have some acans but don't know if they would survive, would like to add a PB Tang and Blonde Naso but have not seen any I like at the right price.
Love living on the acreage but hate the fact that it is so far away from any good SW shop.
Like to build tank stands and custom pieces of tanks but not many takers on my services, how to improve on this............
Going to build another tank next year for my office, probably move my pred's to it and use the 67 gal for a zoa grow op.
Hope 2011 brings good thing to my business as I really need it.
Damn it I am dead tired...................