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Old 12-23-2010, 12:20 AM
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whatcaneyedo whatcaneyedo is offline
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That sound we heard certainly sounded like a small burst of water. I bet thats what it was too.

This is the second time I've needed to replace a seal... actually its the third time because I've needed to do it on both my primary Dart and what is now my spare (both were purchased used BTW). part of the process is to silicone a new one in which then takes time to cure. That is the main reason why I own two but its a good idea to have one extra regardless. What weirds me out is the last time it was just a slow leak that resulted in a little salt creep and corrosion. This time it was flowing out at about the same rate that water passes through my calcium reactor. Up until now it was absolutely fine, no salt creep no nothing.
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