Originally Posted by zoaElite
[Start Hijack\]
I wish  , It's not just crystal deaths or sunny delights you wont find. Stupid reefcentral is like watching the cooking network baked at 3:00am munchieless.
Other incredibly rare zoas:
Purple Hornets
Red Hornets
Blue Hornets
Candy Apple Reds
Candy Apple Greens
Captain America Palys
Nuclear Winters
Emperor Midas
Yellow Jacket Palys
True Purple People Eaters
I would say your best bet is to keep a keen eye at the LFS, best snags are always cherry picked. I personally thought I would never see Christmas hornets in Canada until I picked up a whole colony of them.
[/End Hijack]
i guess its what keeps it interesting all the "got to get my hands on" and words like " rare " if it was all easily available we would be bored pretty quick

i must have bought several "purple people eaters" but none are the ones im looking for and i guess it will be a long time before i do find them

i have a very small colony that gets more purple every day and since i cut my halides off a few days ago they are really turning purple

heres a pic sorry its a crappy pic from an old phone but i cant get the color to photograph with any camera i use it seems they always come out bright, anyways im fasinated with people eaters and i have quite a few of them none are the " true purple eaters" but this one i thought was close.....i love the green slits i think they are mesmerizing

the pic is really bad its from my iphone but it seems the more i keep it out of the light the more purple its becoming