Thread: Nightmare Paly
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Old 12-22-2010, 01:00 AM
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Zoaelite Zoaelite is offline
Join Date: May 2007
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[Start Hijack\]
I wish , It's not just crystal deaths or sunny delights you wont find. Stupid reefcentral is like watching the cooking network baked at 3:00am munchieless.

Other incredibly rare zoas:
Purple Hornets
Red Hornets
Blue Hornets
Candy Apple Reds
Candy Apple Greens
Captain America Palys
Nuclear Winters
Emperor Midas
Yellow Jacket Palys
True Purple People Eaters

I would say your best bet is to keep a keen eye at the LFS, best snags are always cherry picked. I personally thought I would never see Christmas hornets in Canada until I picked up a whole colony of them.
[/End Hijack]
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