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Old 12-21-2010, 08:17 PM
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fencer fencer is offline
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fencer is on a distinguished road
Default Field Trial of PRODIBIO Jan 1

After a year of using UltraLith products, I am going to a field trial of Prodibio products. There is nothing wrong with the Ultralith line, in fact it works very well. As does the Zeovit products. Once you figure out the manuals( in both cases) I had a side tank running Zeo for comparison purposes. Just takes some patience. I went off of UltraLith for a couple of months to see the Ultralith system was real. Well, yes it was and if your on one of these systems don't do it cold turkey. I found all the SPS had immediate withdrawal symptoms via loss of color. All the Seriatopora and Pocci's turned RTN white but they came back.Then it was the monti's. I also had the worst algae bloom ever(thank god for sea hares) and a couple good nitrate spikes. Since I am Ultralith free so to speak and the tank is more or less stable, I have decided to give Prodibio a try. I have heard some good things about the product and want to see for myself.
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