yes phosphates will increase with any organic matter that you introduce to the tank.
all plant cells contain enzymes and DNA and other protien. remembering that all DNA has phosphate, and most enzymes utilize phosphate as ATP, AMP, etc.
by adding ANY plant or animal matter to your tank you are introduceing orthophosphate.
as the material decomposes and relases the single phosphate (this phosphate is free form. and is what you measure with test kits) this is the same for nitrates.
Every time you introduce any food, you introduce nitrates, and phosphate.
try ferric oxid to remove the phosphate. either in a filter bag, or a phosphate reactor.
and chaetomorpha (m macroalgae) for nitrates and phosphate.
if you dont have a sump i used a aquaclear 300, with a enegry saver lamp over . while i was breeding my bangaii cardnals.