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Old 12-18-2010, 03:05 AM
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What a coincidence. This has been a horrible year for me too. I've lost 4 clams as well: a squamosa, crocea and two maxima. I've been looking but I cannot find any parasitic snails either. The squamosa was my most recent addition and it wasn't too long after that it and some of the others started showing some bad signs. Loss of color, poor mantle extension or pinched areas. I gave many of them fresh water dips and in some cases it seemed to help but for others they were already too far gone. Two of the clams I had for about 5 years... What I have left is a 5 year old crocea, 3 year old derasa and a 2 year old maxima. I believe the squamosa brought something into my tank with it. I really need to start quarantining better.
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