New Live Rock - Bleach or Maintain in quarantine?
75 gallon tank has approximately 40lb of nice established live rock, completely pest free. Purchased an additional 25lb used however after looking at it more closely it is completely covered in hundreds of i think bristleworms and a little aptasia. Since I am not the type that likes to spend hours a day maintaining and killing pests... what would you suggest?
Bite the bullet, bleach it for a few days, rinse and then let sit outside then put it in tank a week later? Will this be okay, or will it cause ammonia spike?
Or, inspect each rock one by one, kill any aptasia I see with lemon juice/needle sytinge, remove bristleworms with tweezers then place in saltwater tote. Reinspect again in a week and kill any more that resprout then place in display tank?
As of now, I am pest free and really like knowing that. I am very new to this but dont want to have to be killing aptasia every other day... Any advice?